Operation: Toy Drop, Bring Toys to December Drill

  • Published
  • By Tech. Sgt. Robin Olsen
  • JFHQ
The 118th Airlift Wing is supporting the 13th Annual "Randy Oler Memorial Operation: Toy Drop," and members are encouraged to bring new unwrapped toys to the base during December drill weekend.

Operation: Toy Drop is a philanthropic project where Fort Bragg's paratroopers out of Pope Air Force Base, or visiting paratroopers from across the world, individually contribute new, unwrapped toys to be distributed to children's homes and social service agencies.

Unit points of contact are Capt. Damon McCoy, Capt. Shelly Huether, 2Lt. Amanda Wright, SMSgt Bryan White, and TSgt Christie Smiley.

Toy donations will be collected by the unit points of contact or they can be dropped off in the Maintenance Group foyer on Saturday of December drill.

The Wing has started its own local Operation: Toy Drop to go along with the toys brought back from North Carolina.

"We are asking our members and their families to get involved by bringing a toy," said Lt. Col. Keith Allbritten, Air Operations Officer with the 118th Operations Group. "Whatever you can give will be appreciated by children that will have Christmas on a smaller scale than most of us."

The 118th AW will be flying two C-130s, dropping Army Paratroopers.
Donations support the Nashville Rescue Mission, Tennessee Boy's Home, and many other charities.