There are no problems we cannot solve together, and very few we can solve by ourselves. ~Lyndon B. Johnson

If you have a concern and are unsure if you should file a complaint, contact your local IG office for guidance. Any Air Force military or civilian member may file an IG complaint. However, many Department of the Air Force civilian complaints (e.g., discrimination, sexual harassment, and conditions of employment) may be referred to other agencies.

See the 118th Wing team below!

Inspector General Maj Carmen Gregson  


Director of Complaints Resolution Lt Col Kim Upton  


IG Badge  






Please use the Quick Links menu to the right of this page to access more helpful resources and tools.


What We See...

  • Not using appropriate consistent discipline across the Unit
  • Not using LOA, LOC, and LOR’s correctly and incrementally
  • Members have a right to respond to these.
  • Perceived favoritism
  • Frustration….

Remember, just because the person has a history of not being the cream of the crop doesn’t mean their complaint doesn’t have merit. Everyone has a right to due process.

What We Don’t Handle (but will refer)

  • Civilian employment matters
  • MEO or EEO
  • Criminal matters
  • Disciplinary actions (other than discrimination or reprisal)
  • Punishment under UCMJ
  • Medical Treatment
  • EPRs/OPRs
  • Claims against the government
  • I don’t like…

Note: The IG will refer these matters to the appropriate agency